99.9% Automation Modernizes Your PL/1 to Object-Oriented Languages with High Accuracy and Minimal Business Disruption
TSRI's automated model-based toolset, JANUS Studio®, transforms PL/1 systems to today’s modern languages. The resulting code is object-oriented, compiling, integration-ready, uniform, and native target language code, and is produced very quickly.
TSRI has completed more than 250 referenceable projects, including the PL/1 modernization of the Danish electronic mail system. The platform, which over 6 million people access every month, can now be maintained by developers with up-to-date skillsets and has already saved the country’s taxpayers several million euros.

Migrate Monolithic PL/1 Applications to Service-Oriented Applications
TSRI's transformation and refactoring process produces, as a standard output, a multi-tier architecture with DAO layer, user-interface presentation layer, and application logic layer. We target a variety of cloud architectures, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, private and government cloud, and others. With additional refactoring, TSRI can break monolithic PL/1 systems into microservices based on system requirements.

Integrate Service-Oriented with Native Cloud Services
TSRI can reorient code from WebSphere DB2 legacy platforms to Apache Tomcat and Amazon RDS, for example. Upgrading to incorporate the latest native architectural interfaces ensures that applications are tightly integrated with the new environment, and ensures easier updates in the future.

Native-Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes and Containers, Lambda/API Gateway
We transform native cloud to Docker containers to provide additional architectural abstraction and improved integration of applications within the cloud.
TSRI Advantages
Scalability & Interoperability
TSRI can help bring legacy systems into highly scalable, flexible cloud platforms quickly and efficiently with almost no disruption to your business.
Eliminate Unnecessary License Fees
Remove costly, proprietary runtime annual license fees by transforming to "license-fee free" Java, C++, or C# code. TSRI's transformed code carries no costly proprietary runtime fees.
Eliminate the Mainframe
Move off mainframe systems and reduce operational and maintenance expenses. Reduce your hardware failure risk and footprint and move to high-performance computing systems.
Retarget Existing Databases or Transform Legacy Databases to New Targets
While modernizing the application logic, TSRI offers its clients the option of retaining the existing database or migrating to a new target such as SQL Server, Oracle, or an open-source database.
Generate Side-by-Side Displays of PL/1 and Modern Code Documentation
TSRI can produce fully automated, code-level UML documentation of the structure and flow of your current PL/1 system alongside hyperlinked displays of your system’s target language for easer comprehension and maintenance of your application.
Reuse and Iterative Approach
Reuse of predetermined modernization and refactoring rules allow for a faster portfolio-wide transformation of your applications resulting in less time to market and larger economies of scale with lower modernization costs.
Eliminate Dead & Redundant Code
TSRI's model-based toolset allows for fully automated remediation of dead and redundant code, as well as the consolidation of similar statements and methods to improve maintainability.
Automated Test Support Ensures Functional Equivalence
In addition to automated testing support, TSRI provides a comprehensive warranty on all transformed PL/1 code. TSRI typically transforms to a functional equivalent, compiling, integration-ready target, and supports the testing process through the use of our automated tools.