Displaying items by tag: bothell
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:54
2007 - Philip Newcomb speak at UW
"Philip Newcomb to Speak at the University of Washington Bothell Campus - February 22, 2007" |
Kirkland, WA. (February 22, 2007) – This evening at 5:45 PM at the Universtiy of Washington Bothell Campus in Room UW1010 - Philip Newcomb - Chief Executive Officer/Chief Technology Officer - The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) will speak today on: "Automated Software Modernization: Technology and Practice" Abstract: Does automated software modernization of legacy systems really work? Can anything close the gap between the 100s of Billions of lines of legacy code on which most existing IT infrastructure are based and modern software written in object oriented and rule-based languages on which modern computing architectures are based? What are the state of the art tools that can automatically synthesize high-performance, high-quality object-oriented applications written in C#, C++ and Java from legacy applications written in procedural languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, and Ada? How are industry initiatives such as the Unified Modeliing Language (UML), Meta-Object Facility (MOF), Microsofts Model Driven Development and Doman Specific Languages (DSL) and the OMG's Architecture Driven Modernization (ADM) and Model-Based Architecture (MDA) transforming the computing industry? How will Information Technology be changed as the automatic programming and software modeling technologies that originated in the artificial intelligence labs in the 1980's transform Enterprise Computing as we know it? Philip Newcomb is CEO/CTO of TSRI, a company that has completed over 50 automated modernization projects for systems as diverse as satellite command and control, strategic warefare planning, ballistic missle early warning, health care, logistics, engineering, operational sequencing, etc. As a platform member of the Object-Management Group (OMG) Architecture Driven Modernization task force (ADM-TF), TSRI leads a team composted of IBM, EDS, and TCS to define an Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodeling (ASTM) specification that will bridge the gap between legacy software and the OMG's model-driven architecture approach (MDA) to software development and maintenance which is based on the OMG's UML and MOF specifications. Philip was the co-Chair of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering in 1995 and Keynote speaker at the WCRE/WICSA conference in 2005. With over 30 technical publications and a wealth of practical knowledge, Philip has contributed at the intersection of the fields of reverse-engineering, automatic programming and formal methods of over 20 years. The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI), a world-class provider of automated software modernization services for legacy systems. For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact: TSRI Greg Tadlock Vice President of Sales Phone: (425) 284-2770 Fax: (425) 284-2785 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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