Displaying items by tag: conferences
2008 - TSRI Organizes OMG Architecture Driven Modernization
"TSRI Organizes OMG Architecture Driven Modernization Case Studies Workshop in Conjunction with DC Government Information Day - March 2009" |
Kirkland, WA. (Oct 13, 2008) - The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) is participating in a leading capacity in organizing the upcoming Object Management Group (OMG) Architecture Modernization Case Studies Workshop (ADMCSW ’09) and the OMG Government Information Day in Washington, DC, scheduled for March 26, 2009. These joint conferences will provide a unique opportunity for IT managers and technologists to learn firsthand from the experts the innovative methods and tools, and critical successful factors involved in modernization projects. The ADMCSW'09 will showcase real-world case studies involving the automated transformation of information systems from existing source code into modernized languages and platforms for the federal government and its military, state and local governments, and commercial industry. The ADMCSW modernization case studies will discuss tools and technologies employed for software representation, knowledge-discovery, metrics, analysis, visualization, re-factoring and transformation and the modernization scenarios employed. Topics of the ADMCSW will focus on current state of the practice and future directions in architecture driven modernization focusing on the 13 ADM Scenarios: Application Portfolio Management, Application Improvement, Language-to-Language Conversion, Platform Migration Non-Invasive Application SOA Integration, Service Oriented Architecture Transformation, Data Architecture Migration, System and Data Architecture Consolidation, Data Warehouse Deployment, Application Package Selection and Deployment, Reusable Software Assests & Components Reuse, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Transformation, and Software Quality Assurance. The ADMCSW will be co-chaired by Philip Newcomb, the Founder and CEO of The Software Revolution, Inc. and William Ulrich, co-chair of the OMG ADM Task Force and noted author of "Legacy System Transformation Strategies", Prentice Hall, 2002. TSRI is a leading provider or highly automated information modernization services. |
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