Displaying items by tag: powerbuilder

Navigant Consulting Services was tasked to modernize The Corporate Maintenance & Stop Loss System for HCSC (Health Care Services Corporation). This legacy system was written in the PowerBuilder and Magna-X software languages. Navigant contracted with TSRI to perform the code transformation of both languages into Java, refactor the application to improve performance, and produce bridge documentation.

Customer: Navigant Consulting Services

Source & Target Language: MagnaX and PowerBuilder to Java

Lines of Code: 1,972,691 (MagnaX - 1,785,691, PowerBuilder - 187,000)

Duration:  15 months

Services: Automated Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Integration and Testing Support, Engineering Support, Transformation Blueprint®Application "As-Is" Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies
Thursday, 24 August 2017 12:54

Code Modernization: Focus on Powerbuilder

PowerBuilder, with its ever-popular DataWindow IDE feature, and strong client-server orientation, is still an important coding mechanism.  It has fallen out of favor in recent years, however, and its codebase has been neglected and moved to Sybase, then to SAP, and now to Appeon. Due to a few missteps along the way, and a late.NET capability addition, many companies are choosing to discontinue their use of PB and move to newer platforms. 

Published in Languages