Displaying items by tag: toolset
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:54
2002 - USAF Software Technology Conference
"The Software Revolution, Inc. To Participate In The U.S. Air Force's Software Technology Conference" |
Kirkland, WA. (March 7, 2002) – The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) will be a major participant at the upcoming Air Force-sponsored Software Technology Conference (STC) in Salt Lake City, Utah scheduled for 29 April to 2 May 2002. Located in Booth 927 of the Exhibition Hall, the senior staff of TSRI will be available throughout the week to answer questions and provide in-depth demonstrations of the eVolution 2000 TM toolset. For those attending this important conference, it will be an excellent opportunity for a first-hand view of TSRI's automated legacy system modernization technology that is sweeping the logistics and maintenance, and operational communities within the Air Force. TSRI will be providing real-time transformation demonstrations of the Jovial, Fortran, Cobol, Assembler, Ada, and CMS2 languages into C++. It will also be an opportunity to learn about the range of contract vehicles now available to TSRI for quickly and efficiently providing support to the Air Force eVolution 2000™ toolset The foundation of TSRI's capabilities is the eVolution 2000™ tool-set. Through the application of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies, TSRI has developed a highly automated capability (99%+) to assess, transform, re-factor, and if desired web-enable, a wide variety of application source languages, along with their associated databases. TSRI can transform Cobol, Jovial, C, Fortran, Assembler, Ada, and CMS2 into modern, platform-independent C++, JAVA, or XML (eXtended Markup Language) with CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) compatibility. Using eVolution 2000™, TSRI can carry out sophisticated legacy software modernization in a fraction of the time and budget associated with alternative approaches. More importantly, TSRI reduces the technical and schedule risk associated with legacy system modernization by generating modernized applications and data that are fully documented and guaranteed accurate functional equivalents of the original legacy system. For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact: TSRI Greg Tadlock Vice President of Sales Phone: (425) 284-2770 Fax: (425) 284-2785 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Published in
Tagged under
- 2002
- 2770
- 284
- 2842770
- 425
- 425284
- 4252842770
- 927
- about
- accurate
- ada
- air
- along
- also
- alternative
- answer
- application
- applications
- approaches
- april
- architecture
- art
- articles
- artificial
- assembler
- assess
- associated
- attending
- automated
- available
- booth
- broker
- budget
- capabilities
- capability
- carry
- city
- cms2
- cobol
- com
- common
- communities
- compatibility
- conference
- confrence
- contact
- contract
- corba
- databases
- demonstrations
- depth
- desired
- developed
- documented
- efficiently
- enable
- equivalents
- evolution
- excellent
- exhibition
- extended
- factor
- first
- fletcher
- follow
- force
- fortran
- foundation
- fraction
- fully
- functional
- generating
- greg
- guaranteed
- hall
- hand
- has
- highly
- important
- importantly
- independent
- information
- intelligence
- into
- jovial
- kirkland
- lake
- languages
- learn
- legacy
- located
- logistics
- maintenance
- major
- march
- marketing
- markup
- may
- modern
- modernization
- modernized
- more
- news
- operational
- opportunity
- original
- participant
- participate
- platform
- president
- provide
- providing
- quickly
- range
- real
- reduces
- request
- revolution
- risk
- sales
- salesteam
- salt
- schedule
- scheduled
- senior
- set
- site
- softwarerevolution
- sophisticated
- sponsored
- staff
- stc
- support
- sweeping
- system
- tadlock
- technical
- technologies
- technology
- their
- those
- through
- throughout
- tim
- time
- timothy
- tool
- toolset
- transform
- transformation
- trsi
- tsri
- upcoming
- usaf
- using
- utah
- variety
- vehicles
- vice
- view
- visit
- web
- week
- wide
- will
- within
- www
Monday, 22 February 2010 15:28
New Book by Ulrich and Newcomb
"New Book by Ulrich and Newcomb: Information Systems Transformation: Architecture-Driven Modernization Case Studies with |
Kirkland, WA. (Feburary 22, 2010) – Book Release![]() By William M. Ulrich and Philip H. Newcomb Published by Morgan Kaufmann ISBN: 978-0-12-374913-0 Copyright Feb 2010 $59.95 USD €43.95 EUR £29.99 GBP www.informationsystemstransformation.com |
What The Experts Are Saying: According to Grady Booch, IBM Fellow & Chief Scientist, Software Engineering: "Ulrich and Newcomb's book offers a comprehensive examination of the challenges of growing software-intensive systems … (Read more...) According to Ed Yourdon, noted Author and Consultant: "Modernization is going to be a more and more important part of the overall IT strategy. William Ulrich and Philip Newcomb's important new book ... (Read more...) According to Richard Soley Ph.D. Chairman/CEO, Object Management Group (OMG): “Estimates by internationally-known researchers of the worldwide legacy code base is now approaching a half-trillion lines. That only counts so-called "legacy languages" like COBOL--which drive the world. Add in database schemas … (Read more...) About the Book Information Systems Transformation: Architecture-Driven Modernization Case Studies, a new book by William Ulrich and Philip Newcomb, provides a practical guide to organizations seeking ways to understand and modernize existing systems as part of their information management strategies. It includes an introduction to ADM disciplines and standards, including alignment with business architecture, as well as a series of scenarios outlining how ADM is applied to various initiatives. Ten chapters, containing in-depth, modernization case studies, distill the theory and delineate principles, processes, and best practices for every industry, ensuring the book's leading position as a reference text for all of those organizations relying on complex software systems to maintain their economic, competitive and operational viability. (Read more...) Key Features
William M. Ulrich is President of Tactical Strategy Group, Inc. (TSGI)![]() |
Philip H. Newcomb is Founder and CEO of The Software Revolution, Incorporated (TSRI)![]() |
About Morgan Kaufmann: Since 1984, Morgan Kaufmann has published premier content on information technology, computer architecture, data management, computer networking, computer systems, human computer interaction, computer graphics, multimedia information and systems, artificial intelligence, computer security, and software engineering. Our audience includes the research and development communities, information technology (IS/IT) managers, and students in professional degree programs. Learn more at www.mkp.com. Contact Bob Dodd, 781-313-4726 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for an electronic review copy, access to our expert authors, or to publish excerpts of our material. For more information about TSRI contact: TSRI Greg Tadlock Vice President of Sales Phone: (425) 284-2770 Fax: (425) 284-2785 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Published in
Tagged under
- 2010
- 2770
- 284
- 2842770
- 2847
- 2nd
- 313
- 374913
- 425
- 425284
- 4726
- 781
- 978
- about
- abstract
- acclaimed
- according
- acts
- add
- adm
- advisor
- agencies
- alignment
- allowing
- america
- application
- applied
- apply
- approaching
- architecture
- artificial
- audience
- author
- authors
- automatic
- award
- awarded
- base
- been
- bob
- booch
- book
- Business
- called
- case
- ceo
- chair
- chairman
- challenges
- chapters
- chief
- chikofsky
- coauthor
- cobol
- coeditor
- com
- common
- communities
- competitive
- complete
- completed
- complex
- comprehensive
- concepts
- conference
- consultant
- contact
- containing
- content
- continues
- copy
- copyright
- core
- corporations
- countries
- counts
- covering
- creator
- database
- degree
- delineate
- depth
- development
- different
- director
- disciplines
- distill
- dodd
- Drive
- economic
- editorial
- electronic
- elliot
- elsevier
- engineering
- ensuring
- eur
- every
- examination
- examples
- excerpts
- expert
- experts
- feb
- feburary
- fellow
- field
- fletcher
- force
- formal
- founder
- four
- gbp
- getting
- going
- government
- grady
- graphics
- greg
- group
- growing
- guide
- half
- has
- his
- how
- human
- ibm
- ieee
- illustrated
- immediately
- implementing
- important
- includes
- including
- incorporated
- industrial
- industries
- industry
- information
- informationsystemstransformation
- initiatives
- institute
- intelligence
- intensive
- interaction
- interest
- internationally
- introduction
- isbn
- janus
- kaufmann
- keeping
- key
- kirkland
- kluwer
- known
- languages
- Leader
- leading
- learn
- legacy
- life
- like
- linda
- lines
- maintain
- management
- managers
- marketing
- material
- metamodeling
- mkp
- models
- modernization
- modernize
- more
- morgan
- multimedia
- multiple
- networking
- newcomb
- noted
- offers
- omg
- one
- only
- operational
- organizations
- outlining
- overall
- part
- philip
- platforms
- position
- practical
- practices
- premier
- president
- principal
- principles
- processes
- professional
- programming
- programs
- projects
- publications
- publish
- published
- real
- recognized
- reference
- release
- relying
- research
- researchers
- results
- reverse
- review
- reviews
- revolution
- richard
- sales
- salesteam
- saying
- scale
- scenarios
- schemas
- scientist
- security
- see
- seeking
- series
- serve
- services
- shopping
- since
- site
- softwarerevolution
- soley
- solutions
- special
- specification
- standards
- started
- stop
- strategic
- strategies
- strategy
- strong
- students
- studies
- successfully
- system
- tactical
- tadlock
- task
- technology
- ten
- tested
- text
- than
- their
- theory
- those
- tim
- timothy
- toolset
- transformation
- trillion
- trsi
- tsgi
- tsri
- ulrich
- understand
- usd
- various
- viability
- vice
- visit
- was
- Ways
- web
- well
- what
- which
- william
- wills
- work
- working
- world
- worldwide
- www
- yourdon