Displaying items by tag: j73
TSRI was asked to assist The Boeing Company to modernize the ALCA Integrated Tactical Avionics Program (ITAP). ITAP, originally a real-time embedded J73 JOVIAL program, required transformation to modern C++. The transformed version of ITAP needed to exhibit real-time performance equal to or better than the original system with platform independence. By converting the J73 JOVIAL into C++, Boeing reduced future maintenance costs with the availability of modern software development environments and greater flexibility in its choice of hardware upgrades.
- Customer: Boeing
- Source & Target Language: JOVIAL to C++
- Duration: 3 months
- Services: Automated Code Transformation, Code Documentation, Assessment
TSRI Automatically Modernizes OpenVistA
Kirkland, WA. (March 12, 2010) – One of the best kept secrets in Washington DC is that our nation’s veterans already have a comprehensive![]() Visit the VHA’s OpenVistA® Transformation Blueprint at http://www.tsri.com/open-vista |
Ironically, VistA like many systems that are highly successful, is now threatened with self-extinction due to its need for continuous growth and the inability of MUMPS, the language it is written in, to sustain its continued evolution. VistA suffers from a form of software arthritis common among many legacy systems. Due to its age, size and complexity VistA is brittle, inflexible and resistant to change, and its maintenance costs have gone through the roof, compromising the VHA’s ability to grow and evolve Vista as the foundation for a 21st century medical delivery system for its veterans. In 2005 the VHA estimated automated modernization of VistA could save the VHA upwards of $3 Billion compared to redevelopment, or manual replacement. With the announcement today by The Software Revolution, Inc (TSRI), (the world-leading supplier of architecture driven modernization (ADM-based) solutions), of its open-source Transformation Blueprint ® for OpenVistA, TSRI has made a huge start on this daunting challenge. For those who might care to understand, the OpenVistA Transformation Blueprint ® is a major step towards achievement of the VHA's goal of modernizing its Electronic Healthcare Record system for its veterans. TSRI’s OpenVistA® Transformation Blueprint ® provides the complete target Java code and UML design for the transformation of all 2.1 Million lines of OpenVistA® and 120,000+ lines of Fileman MUMPS code. The OpenVistA® Transformation Blueprint ® is far more than a mere language translation. It is a massive multi-million page (300GB) web-based software design and architecture document consisting of navigable hypertext of the 'As-Is' MUMPS and 'To-Be Java' hyperlinked to hundreds of thousands of State Machine Graphs, Cause-Effect Graphs, State-Transition Tables, Control Flow Graphs, Data-Flow Graphs, Structure Charts, Data Element Tables, Class Diagrams expressed as scalable graphical diagrams that richly document all of the MUMPS and target Java/J2EE code. The Transformation Blueprint ® is both an application portfolio as well as a complete architectural roadmap towards a modernized OpenVistA® and Fileman. Every statement of MUMPS in OpenVistA® is shown side-by-side with its transformation into Java/ J2EE along with an extensive array of software property-oriented metric indices (e.g. fan-in, fan-out, complexity, redundancy, dead code, etc) for navigation to the code measured by the property. To learn more about TSRI’s transformation of OpenVistA® and the company’s plans for evolving OpenVistA® towards a modernized universal EHR system of the future, read the Chapter 12 casestudy: Veterans Health Administration’s VistA MUMPS Modernization Pilot in William Ulrich and Philip Newcomb’s new book Information Systems Transformation: Architecture-Driven Modernization CaseStudies, just published by Morgan Kaufmann, February 2010 as part of the Object Management Group (OMG) OMG Series.
Information Systems Transformation: Architecture-Driven Modernization Casestudies |
For more information about TSRI contact: TSRI Greg Tadlock Vice President of Sales Phone: (425) 284-2770 Fax: (425) 284-2785 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
- 2010
- 21st
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- 425284
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- ability
- about
- accelerate
- achievement
- ada
- adas
- address
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- administrative
- afcea
- age
- air
- aircraft
- alca
- alliances
- alliant
- along
- already
- among
- analysis
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- announcement
- applauds
- application
- appointed
- archie
- architectural
- architecture
- area
- army
- around
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- automatically
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- being
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- blueprint
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- boeing
- book
- both
- brittle
- bureau
- Business
- call
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- care
- case
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- change
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- christi
- citizen
- clemins
- cmms
- coauthors
- cobol
- com
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- could
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- extraordinary
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- faqs
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- february
- fedsim
- fileman
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- first
- fletcher
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- fully
- functional
- future
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- gone
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- graphs
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- group
- grow
- growth
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- gwac
- harris
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- hospitals
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- inability
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- industries
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- information
- informationsystemstransformation
- infotech
- integrator
- into
- ironically
- isbn
- itap
- its
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- j2ee
- j73
- javascript
- jmps
- joins
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- jovial
- kaufmann
- kept
- kirkland
- knapp
- labs
- leading
- learn
- legacy
- like
- lines
- link
- links
- linux
- litton
- location
- lockheed
- made
- mainframe
- maintenance
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- managing
- managment
- manual
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- martin
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- measured
- medical
- mere
- message
- metric
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- might
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- milstar
- missile
- mission
- missle
- mma
- modernization
- modernized
- modernizes
- modernizing
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- more…
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- moving
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- national
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- patriot
- philip
- phone
- pilot
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- prestigious
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- read
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- replacement
- request
- requestamerica
- reserved
- resistant
- restructure
- revolution
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- roadmap
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- studies
- study
- subcontractor
- successful
- successfully
- suffers
- supplier
- support
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- supports
- sustain
- swps
- system
- tables
- tadlock
- target
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- team
- technical
- technologies
- technology
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- testimonials
- thales
- than
- think
- those
- thousands
- threatened
- through
- throughout
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- timothy
- tobe
- toward
- towards
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- transformation
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- transition
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- trigeo
- trsi
- trw
- tsri
- tsri’s
- tybrin
- ulrich
- uml
- understand
- unisys
- universal
- upgrade
- upwards
- usaf
- usas
- usd
- usscafsc
- variable
- vax
- veteran
- veteran’s
- veterans
- vha
- vha’s
- vice
- view
- visit
- VistA
- vital
- vtt
- washington
- wdac
- web
- well
- where
- while
- white
- who
- william
- win
- wins
- world
- written
- wscrs
- wsmis
- www
- xyz
- york
JOVIAL J73 to C++ - BAE Systems
BAE Systems received an award from South Korea's Defense Acquisition and Procurement Agency for a multi-year project to upgrade 134 Korean Air Force F-16 (KF16) fighters. The upgrade included obsolescence management for the computers and operating systems for near real-time tactical data and voice information and including the Core operational flight programs: Advanced Mission Computer (AMC), Upgraded Central Interface Unit (UCIU), Cockpit Display Generator (CDG) and the Center Pedestal Display (CDP). BAE Systems employed TSRI for their modernization services to modernize and document the Jovial source code to C++.
![]() |
Customer: Bae Systems Source & Target Language: Jovial J73 to C++ Lines of Code: 340,000 Duration: 6 months Services: Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Installation and Testing Support, Transformation Blueprint®, Application Blueprint®