Displaying items by tag: Software code

Saturday, 10 May 2014 15:30

JOVIAL J73 to C++ - BAE Systems

BAE Systems received an award from South Korea's Defense Acquisition and Procurement Agency for a multi-year project to upgrade 134 Korean Air Force F-16 (KF16) fighters.  The upgrade included obsolescence management for the computers and operating systems for near real-time tactical data and voice information and including the Core operational flight programs: Advanced Mission Computer (AMC), Upgraded Central Interface Unit (UCIU), Cockpit Display Generator (CDG) and the Center Pedestal Display (CDP).  BAE Systems employed TSRI for their modernization services to modernize and document the Jovial source code to C++.

Customer: Bae Systems

Source & Target Language: Jovial J73 to C++

Lines of Code: 340,000

Duration:  6 months

Services: Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Installation and Testing Support, Transformation Blueprint®, Application Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies
Thursday, 10 September 2009 16:35


As part of the Logistics Management System, the Weapon System Management Information System (WSMIS) is responsible for tracking combat capability and impending parts problems. The system was well regarded during Desert Storm for its ability to expedite repair or procurement of critical items. However this legacy COBOL system requires modernization to continue to fulfill its mission.

Customer:  STG Inc.

Source & Target Language: COBOL to C++

Lines of Code: 39,654

Duration:  4 months

Services: Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Database Transformation, Testing and Implementation Support, Transformation Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies

With maintenance costs increasing for the national crime information tracking system, a significant portion of the agency's crime fighting budget was required for hiring staff with experience maintaining mainframes, non-adherence to the Common Operating Environment (COE) adding to costs, and aging technology (IBM Mainframe, DB2, CICS, CA-GEN, COBOL, Assembler, C, MQ Series, JCL) making enhancements difficult to perform, the nation crime fighting agency initiated a Legacy Migration study to assess migration from the current legacy application architecture to an open Java/JEE application architecture.

Customer:  Criminal Justice Information Services Division

Source & Target Language: Coolgen/COBOL to Java/JEE

Lines of Code: 4.3 Million

Services: Tuned JANUS Studio® to customer code, Coolgen/COBOL and C to Java/JEE Code Transformation, Coolgen/COBOL and C to Java/JEE Transformation Blueprint®


Published in Case-Studies