Displaying items by tag: jcl

Educational Testing Service (ETS) is the world's largest private educational testing and measurement organization. Each year, they develop, administer,  and score more than 50 million tests, including the TOEFL®, TOEIC®, GRE®, and Praxis® tests, in more than 180 countries. This requires an enormous data management capability. ETS turned to TSRI to transform their ECT and Praxis applications and databases from IBM job control language (JCL) and COBOL Batch to modern Java SE 17 in a cloud-native optimized AWS environment. To do this, they used a spring boot-type application to implement web services invoked by Python. TSRI also converted the IBM DB2 database and VSAM sequential database files to a relational PostgreSQL database on AWS Aurora.

Customer: Educational Testing Service (ETS)

Source & Target Language: IBM COBOL to Java SE 17 on AWS

Lines of Code: 1,199,633 lines of COBOL and JCL

Duration:  11 Months

Services: Automated Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Integration and Testing Support, SonarQube Quality Refactoring, Code-Specific Adaptation, Database Migration, Transformation "To-Be" Blueprint®, Application "As-Is" Blueprint®, Code Warranty



Published in Case-Studies

CRA and AWS engaged with TSRI to complete the modernization of their COBOL-based system to Java on AWS. To Achieve CRA's goals, TSRI tuned JANUS Studio® to parse, transform, document, and refactor the IBM z/OS COBOL application. In just 1.5 months, TSRI modernized the application from an IBM Mainframe COBOL and CICS monolith to a modern multi-tier architecture in Java on the AWS cloud. Just as important, TSRI also converted the DB2 database and VSAM sequential files to a relational PostgreSQL database on AWS Aurora.

Customer: Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and AWS

Source & Target Language: IBM COBOL to Java on AWS

Lines of Code: 168,000

Duration:  1.5 Months

Services: Automated Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Integration and Testing Support, SonarQube Quality Refactoring, Code-Specific Adaptation, Database Migration, Transformation "To-Be" Blueprint®, Application "As-Is" Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies

The United States Customs and Border Protection agency contracted with The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI) for a Phase 1 assessment as well as a conversion and modernization of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Cargo ACS/Quota (QUOTA) Conversion Pilot code from COBOL/CICS to Java or .Net.

Customer: US Customs and Border Protection

Source & Target Language: COBOL/CICS & JCL to Java

Lines of Code: 163,700

Duration:  4 Months

Services:  Automated Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Integration and Testing Support, Internal and External Dependancy Analysis, Transformation Blueprint®Application "As-Is" Blueprint®, Target Architecture Design



Published in Case-Studies
Wednesday, 30 March 2022 13:43

COBOL & JCL to Java & Python - Deutsche Bank KM

Deutsche Bank's relatively reliable mainframe infrastructure utilized COBOL and JCL languages running DB2 and VSAM flat-file databases for a variety of their key financial applications. The company’s leadership knew they would need to be cloud-enabled with a modern architecture to stay relevant for its customers and ongoing market needs. Following a successful proof of concept against other well-known industry soluitons, TSRI emerged as the best solution (highest quality output and most advanced architecture) for the full modernization effort of Deutsche Bank’s internal KreditManager application. An application which gives the company’s employees all of the tools they need to handle all of the company’s loan, credit and mortgage applications.

Customer: Deutsche Bank

Source & Target Language: COBOL & JCL to Java & Python

Lines of Code: 397,222 (383,358 - COBOL, 13,864 - JCL)

Duration:  12 Months

Services: Automated Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Integration and Testing Support, SonarQube Quality Refactoring, Code-Specific Adaptation, Database Migration, Transformation Blueprint®, Application "As-Is" Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies

No change in business logic.
Reduction in overhead costs. 
Continuous development during and after migration.

These are a few modernization concepts that Scott Pickett, TSRI’s Vice President of Product Operations and Service Delivery, discussed on his recent appearance on Amazon Web Services’ APN TV channel. 

“TSRI allows for an ability to do automated transformation of not only your language, but your application to the cloud environment, allowing you to bring in skilled, modern technology to your legacy implementations, being able to drive down the cost point associated with ongoing operational costs, and being able to deliver new applications, new functionality, new screens, and new capabilities in that modern language,” he said in his talk. 

So what does that mean, exactly? 

In TSRI’s modernization of a major European bank to the cloud, that meant they modernized approximately 80,000 lines of code at 99.7% automation. In other words, only 384 of those lines of code were hand-written. That's big for a project of this size—but it's huge when you're talking about applications with hundreds of thousands or even millions of lines of code!

For any organization, whether in commercial enterprise organizations like the banking client mentioned above, or in government agencies, modernization reduces risk. 


“You're able to bring a new skill set, new experts that know Java and know CI and CD tools and apply them to your legacy application that's been modernized,” Scott said. “It literally also allows for the ability to drop tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of dollars, off your monthly costs.” 



As Scott also noted in his presentation, “we can not only transform code quickly…because there are very, very few manual changes, but it also means that you can migrate to the cloud and then be able to not have any business logic change associated with that migration.” 

Maintaining business logic is a big deal when it comes to systems that measure their age in decades rather than years and the original programmers have long since moved on. 

One other interesting point Scott brought up is how TSRI’s tools have enabled customers to maintain agility and competitive advantage by providing its clients with the modern, cloud-based applications they need—all while reaching back to its legacy DB2 database that supports the applications that have yet to be modernized. 

Throughout the talk, Scott also pointed to how TSRI has adopted a step-wise model, which modernizes small applications or pieces of an application, tests for validity, then pushes into production before the next applications are transformed. Such a methodology allows the client to continue to develop in the legacy language, maintain a common data set, and minimizes business disruption to almost zero. 



“There’s no big delay. You can continue developing the legacy and we can migrate those legacy applications while the transformations are happening and migrate them into your modern environment,” he said. 


Scott also explains the steps of an automated migration in layman’s terms and how a TSRI transformation integrates cleanly into cloud services like AWS using containerization and microservices. 

We of course don’t want to spoil the presentation by giving everything away, so head over to APN TV and watch for yourself to learn about how automated modernization to the cloud will save your organization time, money, and the headaches from continuing to maintain legacy systems. 


TSRI is Here for You

As a leading provider of software modernization services, TSRI enables technology readiness for the cloud and other modern architecture environments. We bring software applications into the future quickly, accurately, and efficiently with low risk and minimal business disruption, accomplishing in months what would otherwise take years.

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Published in AWS

The original LifeComm application was written by CSC for Alico of Japan. Following the acquisition of Alico by MetLife, it was determined that the LifeComm application would require modernization. To support this, MetLife first needed to better understand this legacy application. MetLife engaged TSRI to provide an Application Blueprint® of the LifeComm application.

  • Customer & Integrator: MetLife / Alico Japan
  • Source & Target Language: COBOL, JCL, Assembler & Fortran to Java
  • Lines of Code: 14,066,925
  • Duration:  4 months
  • Services: Transformation Blueprint®Application Blueprint® 

Published in Case-Studies
Thursday, 10 September 2009 16:35


As part of the Logistics Management System, the Weapon System Management Information System (WSMIS) is responsible for tracking combat capability and impending parts problems. The system was well regarded during Desert Storm for its ability to expedite repair or procurement of critical items. However this legacy COBOL system requires modernization to continue to fulfill its mission.

Customer:  STG Inc.

Source & Target Language: COBOL to C++

Lines of Code: 39,654

Duration:  4 months

Services: Code Transformation, Automated Refactoring, Database Transformation, Testing and Implementation Support, Transformation Blueprint®



Published in Case-Studies

With maintenance costs increasing for the national crime information tracking system, a significant portion of the agency's crime fighting budget was required for hiring staff with experience maintaining mainframes, non-adherence to the Common Operating Environment (COE) adding to costs, and aging technology (IBM Mainframe, DB2, CICS, CA-GEN, COBOL, Assembler, C, MQ Series, JCL) making enhancements difficult to perform, the nation crime fighting agency initiated a Legacy Migration study to assess migration from the current legacy application architecture to an open Java/JEE application architecture.

Customer:  Criminal Justice Information Services Division

Source & Target Language: Coolgen/COBOL to Java/JEE

Lines of Code: 4.3 Million

Services: Tuned JANUS Studio® to customer code, Coolgen/COBOL and C to Java/JEE Code Transformation, Coolgen/COBOL and C to Java/JEE Transformation Blueprint®


Published in Case-Studies