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Tuesday, 15 September 2009 13:54
2000 - New Chief Executive Officer
"New Chief Executive Officer" |
Kirkland, WA. (September 1, 2000) – The Software Revolution, Inc. (TSRI), a world-class provider of assessment, transformation, re-factoring and web-enablement software services for legacy systems, today announced that they welcome Stan Beckelman as Chief Executive Officer. This appointment reflects the growth in demand for TSRI’s software suite to minister legacy system upgrades. Stan Beckelman as new Chief Executive Officer Mr. Beckelman recently left Boeing where he was President of Boeing Information Services for six years. In this assignment he was responsible for capturing, and performing large complex information systems working for commercial customers and government agencies such as NASA, Department of Defense, and Department of Energy. Mr. Beckelman held several management and engineering positions over a forty-year period at Boeing. He had been responsible for Boeing Computer Services marketing and sales, including thirty sales offices across North America. Another earlier Boeing assignment was managing a staff of 3000 employees and several very large-scale computer centers serving Boeing Commercial Airplane Group and Boeing Defense and Space Group. Early in his Boeing career he earned distinction as Program Manager of the NASA Saturn V Systems Engineering and Integration effort during the Apollo space program where he managed a staff of 2000 assuring that the Saturn V rocket was capable of boosting the command module carrying NASA astronauts to the moon. He also served as an international director of the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA) and as Boeing's representative on the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee responsible for developing information technology and telecommunication security recommendations for the President of the United States. The Software Revolution, Inc. The Software Revolution, Inc., established in 1995, specializes in the modernization of legacy system software. Employing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence-based technologies, The Software Revolution, Inc. has developed the capability to assess, transform, re-factor, and web-enable, a variety of different software source languages, along with system databases. Employing a highly automated, low risk, cost-effective approach, The Software Revolution, Inc. can transform COBOL, C, Fortran, Mumps, Ada, and CMS2 into modern, platform-independent C++, JAVA, or XML with CORBA compatibility. eVolution 2000™ toolset The foundation of TSRI's capabilities is the eVolution 2000™ tool-set. Enjoying the benefit of over 100 man-years of development effort and nearly $20 million in corporate and private investment funding, the eVolution 2000™ tool-set addresses each of the major steps of the legacy system modernization process at near perfect levels of automation. Beyond the ability to address the standard suite of legacy software languages, the eVolution 2000™ tool-set also has the flexibility to address most other legacy software languages, needing only 8 to 12 weeks of automated processes modification to accept the new source language. Using the eVolution 2000™ tool-set, The Software Revolution, Inc. can help customers enter the modern computing world quickly and far less expensively than using currently available manual or semi-automated approaches. For more information about TSRI, visit our web site or contact: TSRI Greg Tadlock Vice President of Sales Phone: (425) 284-2770 Fax: (425) 284-2785 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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